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Visiting researcher
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Briddgete Wessels is Professor of Social Inequalities in the Digital Age, School of Social and Political Sciences, University of Glasgow and a Guest Researcher at WNRI. Her research area focuses broadly on social change in the digital age and the innovation and use of digital technology and services. Her research focuses on a range of areas with projects on social exclusion and digital divides, financial exclusion and the e-economy, social media and political inequality, health and telehealth, welfare services and (digital) identity, regional/digital journalism and participatory democracy, and e-policing, ethnicity and communities, and gender and technology.

Her work has addressed inequality and e-inclusion at a global level in South East Asia, Australia, USA, and Europe. Recent research has focused on open data, addresses emerging inequalities embedded within access to data and the inequalities of knowledge required to use data and the use of social media in contexts of political inequality and civic inequality in political culture.