Sustainable tourism - Balestrand 27. - 29. mai 2008 - Foredrag og innlegg

Seminaret i Balestrand vart avvikla i flott vær og med nøgde deltakarar. Nedanfor finn de foredrag og papers frå seminaret.

Foredrag og innlegg 27. mai

Opening v/ samferdsleminister Liv Signe Navarsete

Competitiveness of tourism and focus on geotourism – two sides of a coin ” v/Per Morten Vigtel, Forum for Reiseliv

Long term or short term – how does the environment challenge Fjord Norway in the future?” v/ Kristian B. Jørgensen, direktør Fjord Norge

The competitiveness of tourism will be based on sustainability .” v/Per Arne Tuftin, direktør reiseliv, Innovasjon Norge

“Tourism as Problem” v/ Prof Karl Georg Høyer

Turismen som skadelidande" Tourism as Victim” v/ Dr Stefan Gössling

Turismen som løysing /Tourism as Solution" v/Dr Carlo Aall

Dag 2 - 28. mai

Introduction to workshops:

Sustainable Accomodation by Paulina Bodhanovicx and David Weaver

Sustainable Transport by Paul Peeters

Tourism and Climate Change by Daniel Scott

Food, farming and protected Areas

Marketing & Behavioural Change by Susanne Becken and Truls Engstrøm

Briefing Papers

Visiting management, changing visistor behaviour and social marketing by/Bernhard Lane

Carbon neutral destinations by/Bernhard Land and Stefan Gössling

Sustainability in tourism accomodation by/Paulina Bohdanowicz and David Weaver

Local food, Tourism and Sustainability by/Michael Hall and Sandra Wilson

Tourism, Sustainability and Innovation by/Michael Hall